Source code for hpelm.nnets.slfn_skcuda

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
"""Nvidia GPU-accelerated solver based on Scikit-CUDA, works without compiling anything.

GPU computations run in asyncronous mode: GPU is processing one batch of data while CPU prepares
the next batch. Loads GPU for 100% without waiting times, very fast and efficient. The requied
Scikit-CUDA is a single-line install in Linux: ``pip install scikit-cuda``. Tested on CUDA 7.

Created on Sat Sep 12 13:10:23 2015
@author: akusok

from slfn import SLFN
import numpy as np
from scipy.linalg import lapack
from scipy.spatial.distance import cdist

from pycuda import gpuarray, cumath, autoinit
from pycuda.compiler import SourceModule
from skcuda import linalg, misc, cublas

[docs]class SLFNSkCUDA(SLFN): """Single Layer Feed-forward Network (SLFN) implementation on GPU with pyCUDA. To choose a specific GPU, use environmental variable ``CUDA_DEVICE``, for exampe ``CUDA_DEVICE=0 python & CUDA_DEVICE=1 python``. In single precision, only upper triangular part of HH matrix is computed to speedup the method. """ def __init__(self, inputs, outputs, norm=None, precision=np.float64): super(SLFNSkCUDA, self).__init__(inputs, outputs, norm, precision) # startup GPU #self.ctx = misc.init_context(misc.init_device(nDevice)) # NO NO NO, crashes and does not release memory # use CUDA_DEVICE=0 python try: linalg.init() except OSError as e: pass # no 'cusolver' library which is paid and not needed # print "error initializing scikit-cuda: %s" % e # print "ignore if toolbox works" # precision-dependent stuff if precision is np.float64: self.posv = lapack.dposv else: self.posv = lapack.sposv self.handle = cublas.cublasCreate() # prepare GPU function kernels kernel = """ __global__ void dev_sigm(%s *a) { unsigned idx = blockDim.x * blockIdx.x + threadIdx.x; a[idx] = 1.0 / ( exp(a[idx]) + 1 ); } """ kernel = kernel % "double" if self.precision is np.float64 else kernel % "float" self.dev_sigm = SourceModule(kernel).get_function("dev_sigm") self.dev_sigm.prepare("P") # GPU transformation functions self.func["lin"] = self._dev_lin self.func["sigm"] = self._dev_sigm self.func["tanh"] = self._dev_tanh self.func["rbf_l1"] = self._dev_rbfl1 self.func["rbf_l2"] = self._dev_rbfl2 self.func["rbf_linf"] = self._dev_rbflinf def _dev_lin(self, devX, devW, devB): """Linear function on GPU. Returns: devH (gpuarray): GPU matrix with the result. """ devH = misc.add_matvec(, devW), devB, axis=1) return devH def _dev_sigm(self, devX, devW, devB): """Compute Sigmoid on GPU for a given array and return array.""" # def sigm(a): # block = a._block # grid = (int(np.ceil(1.0 * / block[0])), 1) # dev_sigm.prepared_call(grid, block, a.gpudata) # return a devH = misc.add_matvec(, devW), devB, axis=1) block = devH._block grid = (int(np.ceil(1.0 * / block[0])), 1) self.dev_sigm.prepared_call(grid, block, devH.gpudata) return devH def _dev_tanh(self, devX, devW, devB): """Hyperbolic tangent function on GPU. Returns: devH (gpuarray): GPU matrix with the result. """ devH = misc.add_matvec(, devW), devB, axis=1) cumath.tanh(devH, out=devH) return devH def _dev_rbfl1(self, devX, devW, devB): # TODO: make proper GPU implementation of RBF_L1 X = devX.get() W = devW.get() B = devB.get() devH = gpuarray.to_gpu(np.exp(-cdist(X, W.T, "cityblock")**2 / B)) return devH def _dev_rbfl2(self, devX, devW, devB): # TODO: make proper GPU implementation of RBF_L2 X = devX.get() W = devW.get() B = devB.get() devH = gpuarray.to_gpu(np.exp(-cdist(X, W.T, "euclidean")**2 / B)) return devH def _dev_rbflinf(self, devX, devW, devB): # TODO: make proper GPU implementation of RBF_Linf X = devX.get() W = devW.get() B = devB.get() devH = gpuarray.to_gpu(np.exp(-cdist(X, W.T, "chebyshev")**2 / B)) return devH
[docs] def add_neurons(self, number, func, W, B): """Add prepared neurons to the SLFN, merge with existing ones. Adds a number of specific neurons to SLFN network. Weights and biases must be provided for that function. If neurons of such type already exist, they are merged together. Args: number (int): the number of new neurons to add func (str): transformation function of hidden layer. Linear function creates a linear model. W (matrix): a 2-D matrix of neuron weights, size (`inputs` * `number`) B (vector): a 1-D vector of neuron biases, size (`number` * 1) """ ntypes = [nr[1] for nr in self.neurons] # existing types of neurons if func in ntypes: # add to an existing neuron type i = ntypes.index(func) nn0, _, devW, devB = self.neurons[i] number = nn0 + number devW = gpuarray.to_gpu(np.hstack((devW.get(), W))) devB = gpuarray.to_gpu(np.hstack((devB.get(), B))) self.neurons[i] = (number, func, devW, devB) else: # create a new neuron type devW = gpuarray.to_gpu(W) devB = gpuarray.to_gpu(B) self.neurons.append((number, func, devW, devB)) self.reset() self.B = None
[docs] def reset(self): """ Resets intermediate training results, releases memory that they use. Keeps solution of ELM, so a trained ELM remains operational. Can be called to free memory after an ELM is trained. """ self.L = sum([n[0] for n in self.neurons]) # get number of neurons self.HH = None self.HT = None
def _project(self, X, dev=False): """Projects X to H, an auxiliary function that implements a particular projection. For actual projection, use `ELM.project()` instead. Args: X (matrix): an input data matrix, size (N * `inputs`) dev (bool, optional): whether leave result in the GPU memory Returns: H (matrix): an SLFN hidden layer representation, size (N * `L`) where 'L' is number of neurons """ assert self.neurons is not None, "ELM has no neurons" X = np.array(X, order="C", dtype=self.precision) devX = gpuarray.to_gpu(X) devH = gpuarray.empty((X.shape[0], self.L), dtype=self.precision) i = 0 for nn, ftype, devW, devB in self.neurons: devH[:, i:i+nn] = self.func[ftype](devX, devW, devB) i += nn H = devH if dev else devH.get() return H def _predict(self, X, dev=False): """Predict a batch of data. Auxiliary function that implements a particular prediction. For prediction, use `ELM.predict()` instead. Args: X (matrix): input data size (N * `inputs`) dev (bool, optional): whether leave result in the GPU memory Returns: Y (matrix): predicted outputs size (N * `outputs`), always in float/double format. """ assert self.B is not None, "Solve the task before predicting" devH = self._project(X, dev=True) devY =, self.B) Y = devY if dev else devY.get() return Y
[docs] def add_batch(self, X, T, wc=None): """Add a batch of training data to an iterative solution, weighted if neeed. The batch is processed as a whole, the training data is splitted in `ELM.add_data()` method. With parameters HH_out, HT_out, the output will be put into these matrices instead of model. Args: X (matrix): input data matrix size (N * `inputs`) T (matrix): output data matrix size (N * `outputs`) wc (vector): vector of weights for data samples, one weight per sample, size (N * 1) HH_out, HT_out (matrix, optional): output matrices to add batch result into, always given together """ devH = self._project(X, dev=True) T = np.array(T, order="C", dtype=self.precision) devT = gpuarray.to_gpu(T) if wc is not None: # apply weights if given w = np.array(wc**0.5, dtype=self.precision)[:, None] # re-shape to column matrix devWC = gpuarray.to_gpu(w) misc.mult_matvec(devH, devWC, axis=0, out=devH) misc.mult_matvec(devT, devWC, axis=0, out=devT) if self.HH is None: # initialize space for self.HH, self.HT self.HT = misc.zeros((self.L, self.outputs), dtype=self.precision) self.HH = linalg.eye(self.L, dtype=self.precision) self.HH *= self.norm linalg.add_dot(devH, devT, self.HT, transa='T') if self.precision is np.float64: linalg.add_dot(devH, devH, self.HH, transa='T') else: cublas.cublasSsyrk(self.handle, 'L', 'N', self.L, X.shape[0], 1, devH.ptr, self.L, 1, self.HH.ptr, self.L)
# self.ctx.synchronize() # GPU runs asyncronously without that
[docs] def solve(self): """Compute output weights B, with fix for unstable solution. """ HH = self.HH.get() HT = self.HT.get() B = self.solve_corr(HH, HT) self.B = gpuarray.to_gpu(B)
[docs] def solve_corr(self, HH, HT): """Compute output weights B for given HH and HT. Simple but inefficient version, see a better one in solver_python. Args: HH (matrix): covariance matrix of hidden layer represenation H, size (`L` * `L`) HT (matrix): correlation matrix between H and outputs T, size (`L` * `outputs`) """ _, B, info = self.posv(HH, HT) if info > 0: print "ELM covariance matrix is not full rank; solving with SVD (slow)" print "This happened because you have duplicated or too many neurons" HH = np.triu(HH) + np.triu(HH, k=1).T B = np.linalg.lstsq(HH, HT)[0] B = np.array(B, order='C', dtype=self.precision) return B
def _prune(self, idx): """Leave only neurons with the given indexes. """ idx = list(idx) neurons = [] for k, func, devW, devB in self.neurons: ix1 = [i for i in idx if i < k] # index for current neuron type idx = [i-k for i in idx if i >= k] number = len(ix1) W = devW.get() W = np.array(W[:, ix1], order='C') devW = gpuarray.to_gpu(W) B = devB.get() B = np.array(B[ix1], order='C') devB = gpuarray.to_gpu(B) neurons.append((number, func, devW, devB)) self.neurons = neurons # reset invalid parameters self.reset() self.B = None
[docs] def get_B(self): """Return B as a numpy array. """ if self.B is None: B = None else: B = self.B.get() return B
[docs] def set_B(self, B): """Set B as a numpy array. Args: B (matrix): output layer weights matrix, size (`L` * `outputs`) """ assert B.shape[0] == self.L, "Incorrect first dimension: %d expected, %d found" % (self.L, B.shape[0]) assert B.shape[1] == self.outputs, "Incorrect output dimension: %d expected, %d found" % (self.outputs, B.shape[1]) self.B = gpuarray.to_gpu(B.astype(self.precision))
[docs] def get_corr(self): """Return current correlation matrices. """ if self.HH is None: HH = None HT = None else: HH = self.HH.get() HT = self.HT.get() HH = np.triu(HH) + np.triu(HH, k=1).T return HH, HT
[docs] def set_corr(self, HH, HT): """Set pre-computed correlation matrices. Args: HH (matrix): covariance matrix of hidden layer represenation H, size (`L` * `L`) HT (matrix): correlation matrix between H and outputs T, size (`L` * `outputs`) """ assert self.neurons is not None, "Add or load neurons before using ELM" assert HH.shape[0] == HH.shape[1], "HH must be a square matrix" msg = "Wrong HH dimension: (%d, %d) expected, %s found" % (self.L, self.L, HH.shape) assert HH.shape[0] == self.L, msg assert HH.shape[0] == HT.shape[0], "HH and HT must have the same number of rows (%d)" % self.L assert HT.shape[1] == self.outputs, "Number of columns in HT must equal number of outputs (%d)" % self.outputs self.HH = gpuarray.to_gpu(HH.astype(self.precision)) self.HT = gpuarray.to_gpu(HT.astype(self.precision))
[docs] def get_neurons(self): """Return current neurons. Returns: neurons (list of tuples (number/int, func/string, W/matrix, B/vector)): current neurons in the model """ neurons = [] for number, func, devW, devB in self.neurons: neurons.append((number, func, devW.get(), devB.get())) return neurons