Source code for hpelm.modules.mrsr

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

import numpy as np

[docs]def mrsr(X, T, kmax): """Multiresponse Sparse Regression (MRSR) algorithm in Python, accelerated by Numpy. Finds most relevant inputs for a regression problem with multiple outputs, returns these inputs one-by-one. Fast implementation, but has complexity O(2^m) for `m` features in output. Args: T (matrix): an (n x p) matrix of targets. The columns of T should have zero mean and same scale (e.g. equal variance). X (matrix): an (n x m) matrix of regressors. The columns of X should have zero mean and same scale (e.g. equal variance). kmax (int): an integer fixing the number of steps to be run, which equals to the maximum number of regressors in the model. Returns: i1 (vector): a (1 x kmax) vector of indices revealing the order in which the regressors enter model. Reference: Timo Simila, Jarkko Tikka. Multiresponse sparse regression with application to multidimensional scaling. International Conference on Artificial Neural Networks (ICANN). Warsaw, Poland. September 11-15, 2005. LNCS 3697, pp. 97-102. """ n,m = X.shape n,p = T.shape kmax = min(kmax, m) if p > 15: print("Too many targets (%d) - MRSR has O(2^targets) complexity") """ print "Reducing to 15 randomly selected targets (6x slowdown)" print "Using max 10 targets (1.08x slowdown) recommended" ti = np.arange(p) np.random.shuffle(ti) ti = ti[:15] T = T[:,ti] p = 15 """ i1 = np.array([], dtype = np.int32) i2 = np.arange(m).astype(np.int32) XT =,T) XX = np.zeros([m, m]) S = np.ones([2**p, p]) S[0:2**(p-1), 0] = -1 for j in np.arange(1, p): S[:, j] = np.concatenate((S[np.arange(1, 2**p, 2), j-1], S[np.arange(1, 2**p, 2), j-1])) # Make the first step A = np.transpose(XT) cmax = np.amax(abs(A).sum(0), 0) cind = np.argmax(abs(A).sum(0), 0) A = np.delete(A, cind, 1) ind = int(i2[cind]) i2 = np.delete(i2, cind) i1 = np.append(i1, ind) # here Xi1 and Xi2 are just faster alternatives to X[:,i1] and X[:,i2] Xi2 = X.copy(order='F') # column-contiguous copy of X Xi2[:, cind:-1] = Xi2[:, cind+1:]; Xi2 = Xi2[:,:-1] # delete <cind> col Xi1 = X[:,ind].reshape((n,1)) # add 1 column at a time XX[np.ix_([ind], [ind])] =[:,ind], X[:,ind]) invXX = 1 / XX[ind, :][ind] Wols = invXX * XT[ind, :] Yols =, np.reshape(Wols, (1,-1))) B =, Xi2) G = (,A))/(,B)) g = G[G>=0].min() Y = g*Yols # Rest of the steps for k in np.arange(2,kmax+1): #print "calculating rank %d/%d" % (k-1, kmax) #print "mrsr %d/%d" % (k+1, kmax) A =, Xi2) # true slow cmax = np.amax(abs(A).sum(0), 0) cind = np.argmax(abs(A).sum(0), 0) A = np.delete(A, cind, 1) ind = int(i2[cind]) i2 = np.delete(i2, cind) i1 = np.append(i1, ind) #Xi1 = np.hstack((Xi1, X[:,ind].reshape((n,1), order='C'))) # slow for large k Xi1 = np.hstack((Xi1, X[:,ind].reshape((-1,1)))) # slow for large k xX =[:, ind].T, Xi1) XX[np.ix_([ind], i1)] = xX XX[np.ix_(i1, [ind])] = np.reshape(xX, (i1.size, -1)) v3 = XX.take(i1,axis=0).take(i1,axis=1) # XX[i1, :][:, i1] #v3 = XX[i1, :][:, i1] try: invXX = np.linalg.inv(v3) except np.linalg.linalg.LinAlgError: invXX = np.linalg.pinv(v3) Wols =, XT.take(i1,axis=0)) Yols =, Wols) # true slow # deletes [cind] row, slow for large k Xi2[:, cind:-1] = Xi2[:, cind+1:]; Xi2 = Xi2[:,:-1] B =, Xi2) # true slow G = (cmax + / (cmax + # true slow for many outputs # now we remove that line using a condition: # G = numpy.concatenate(([2*(k==m)-1], G.flatten()), 1) if k == kmax: # G[G>=0] is empty if k==kmax; empty.min() will give error Y = Yols else: g = G[G>=0].min() Y = (1-g)*Y+g*Yols return i1