Source code for hpelm.modules.hdf5_tools

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
"""Different tools to work with datasets in HDF5 file format.

Created on Thu Apr  2 21:12:46 2015

@author: akusok

import numpy as np
import csv
from tables import open_file, Atom, Filters
import os
import fasteners  # inter-process file lock

def _prepare_fHH(fHH, fHT, nnet, precision):
    """Prepares files for fHH, fHT if they are needed.

        fHH (string): hdf5 filename to store HH, None for ignore disk storage
        fHT (string): hdf5 filename to store HT, None for ignore disk storage
        nent (nnets Object): neural network implementation from HPELM
        precision (np.float32/64): precision
    if (fHH is not None) and (fHT is not None):
        # reset accumulated data in ELM
        L = nnet.L
        outputs = nnet.outputs
        norm = nnet.norm

        # process fHH
        if os.path.isfile(fHH):
            h5 = open_file(fHH, 'r')
            node = None
            for node in h5.walk_nodes():
                pass  # find a node with whatever name
                assert node is not None, "Matrix in %d does not exist" % fHH
                assert node is not None and node.shape[0] == L and node.shape[1] == L, \
                       "Matrix in %d has a wrong shape: (%d, %d) expected, (%d, %d) found" % \
                       (fHH, L, L, node.shape[0], node.shape[1])
            except AssertionError as e:
                raise  # re-raise same error
            make_hdf5(np.eye(L, L, dtype=precision)*norm, fHH, precision)

        # process fHT
        if os.path.isfile(fHT):
            h5 = open_file(fHT, 'r')
            node = None
            for node in h5.walk_nodes():
                pass  # find a node with whatever name
                assert node is not None, "Matrix in %d does not exist" % fHT
                assert node is not None and node.shape[0] == L and node.shape[1] == outputs, \
                       "Matrix in %d has a wrong shape: (%d, %d) expected, (%d, %d) found" % \
                       (fHT, L, outputs, node.shape[0], node.shape[1])
            except AssertionError as e:
                raise  # re-raise same error
            make_hdf5((L, outputs), fHT, precision)

def _write_fHH(fHH, fHT, HH, HT):
    """Writes HH,HT data into fHH,fHT files, multi-process safe with lock file.

    Lock file has the same name as fHH,fHT, but with '.lock' extension.
    fHH_lock = fHH + ".lock"
    with fasteners.InterProcessLock(fHH_lock):
        h5 = open_file(fHH, "a")
        for node in h5.walk_nodes():
            pass  # find a node with whatever name
        node[:] += HH

    fHT_lock = fHT + ".lock"
    with fasteners.InterProcessLock(fHT_lock):
        h5 = open_file(fHT, "a")
        for node in h5.walk_nodes():
            pass  # find a node with whatever name
        node[:] += HT

[docs]def normalize_hdf5(h5file, mean=None, std=None, batch=None): """Calculates and applies normalization to data in HDF5 file. :param mean: - known vector of mean values :param std: - known vector of standard deviations :param batch: - number of rows to read at once, default is a native batch size """ h5 = open_file(h5file, "a") for node in h5.walk_nodes(): pass # find a node with whatever name dt = node.dtype N, d = node.shape # HDF5 files are transposed, for Matlab compatibility if batch is None: batch = node.chunkshape[0] nb = N/batch if N > nb*batch: nb += 1 # add last incomplete step if mean is None or std is None: if node.attrs.mean is None: # data was not normalized before print("calculating mean and standard deviation of data") E_x = np.zeros((d,), dtype=np.float64) E_x2 = np.zeros((d,), dtype=np.float64) for b in xrange(nb): start = b*batch step = min(batch, N-start) X1 = node[start: start+step, :].astype(np.float64) E_x += np.mean(X1, 0) * (1.0*step/N) E_x2 += np.mean(X1**2, 0) * (1.0*step/N) mean = E_x E2_x = E_x**2 std = (E_x2 - E2_x)**0.5 node.attrs.mean = mean node.attrs.std = std return mean, std else: # data is already normalized print("data was already normalized, returning 'mean', 'std' parameters") print("if you want to run normalization anyway, call the function with 'mean' and 'std' params") return node.attrs.mean, node.attrs.std else: assert len(mean) == d, "Incorrect lenght of a vector of means: %d expected, %d found" % (d, len(mean)) assert len(std) == d, "Incorrect lenght of a vector of standard deviations: %d expected, %d found" % (d, len(std)) node.attrs.mean = mean node.attrs.std = std std[std == 0] = 1 # prevent division by zero for std=0 print("applying normalization") for b in xrange(nb): start = b*batch step = min(batch, N-start) X = node[start: start+step].astype(np.float64) X = (X - mean) / std node[start: start+step] = X.astype(dt) h5.close() # closing file return mean, std
#def oversample(data, targets, classes): # pass
[docs]def make_hdf5(data, h5file, dtype=np.float64, delimiter=" ", skiprows=0, comp_level=0): """Makes an HDF5 file from whatever given data. :param data: - input data in Numpy.ndarray or filename, or a shape tuple :param h5file: - name (and path) of the output HDF5 file :param delimiter: - data delimiter for text, csv files :param comp_level: - compression level of the HDF5 file """ assert comp_level < 10, "Compression level must be 0-9 (0 for no compression)" fill = "" # open data file if isinstance(data, np.ndarray): X = data elif isinstance(data, basestring) and data[-3:] in ['npy']: X = np.load(data) elif isinstance(data, basestring) and data[-3:] in ['.gz', 'bz2']: X = np.loadtxt(data, dtype=dtype, delimiter=delimiter, skiprows=skiprows) elif isinstance(data, basestring) and data[-3:] in ['txt', 'csv']: # iterative out-of-memory loader for huge .csv/.txt files fill = "iter" # check data dimensionality with open(data, "rU") as f: for _ in xrange(skiprows): f.readline() reader = csv.reader(f, delimiter=delimiter) for line in reader: X = np.fromiter(line, dtype=dtype) break elif isinstance(data, tuple) and len(data) == 2: X = np.empty((1, 1)) fill = "empty" else: assert False, "Input data must be Numpy ndarray, .npy file, or .txt/.csv text file (compressed .gz/.bz2)" # process data if len(X.shape) == 1: X = X[:, np.newaxis] assert len(X.shape) == 2, "Data in Numpy ndarray must have 2 dimensions" # create hdf5 file if comp_level > 0: flt = Filters(complevel=comp_level, shuffle=True) else: flt = Filters(complevel=0) h5 = open_file(h5file, "w") a = Atom.from_dtype(np.dtype(dtype), dflt=0) # write data to hdf5 file if fill == "iter": # iteratively fill the data h5data = h5.create_earray(h5.root, "data", a, (0, X.shape[0]), filters=flt) with open(data, "rU") as f: for _ in xrange(skiprows): f.readline() reader = csv.reader(f, delimiter=delimiter) for line in reader: row = np.fromiter(line, dtype=dtype) h5data.append(row[np.newaxis, :]) elif fill == "empty": # no fill at all h5data = h5.create_carray(h5.root, "data", a, data, filters=flt) else: # write whole data matrix h5data = h5.create_carray(h5.root, "data", a, X.shape, filters=flt) h5data[:] = X # close the file h5data.attrs.mean = None h5data.attrs.std = None h5.flush() h5.close()
def _ireader(fX, q_in, q_out): """Asyncronous reader for an HDF5 file. q_in - a (start, stop) tuple of read indexes; if start >= stop then reader terminates q_out - a queue for chunks red from a disk """ assert isinstance(fX, basestring), "Asyncronous I/O only supported with HDF5 data files" hX = open_file(fX, "r") for X in hX.walk_nodes(): pass # find a node with whatever name while True: # returning data chunks on demand start, stop = q_in.get() if start >= stop: break q_out.put(X[start:stop]) hX.close() def _iwriter(fX, q_in): """Asyncronous writer for an HDF5 file. q_in - a (Xbatch, start, stop) tuple of data to write indexes; if q_in is None then writer terminates """ assert isinstance(fX, basestring), "Asyncronous I/O only supported with HDF5 data files" hX = open_file(fX, "a") for X in hX.walk_nodes(): pass # find a node with whatever name while True: # returning data chunks on demand data = q_in.get() if data is None: break Xb, start, stop = data X[start:stop] = Xb X.flush() hX.close() if __name__ == "__main__": # def make_hdf5(data, h5file, dtype=np.float64, delimiter=" ", skiprows=0, comp_level=0): # make_hdf5("textfile.txt", "text.h5") # make_hdf5("textfile.txt", "textz.h5", comp_level=3) normalize_hdf5("text.h5") print("Done!")